Top Nine Strategies to Excel in School Olympiads

Top Nine Strategies to Excel in School Olympiads

Are you seeking to skyrocket your academic performance to the next level and ensure a clean win in the Olympiads? Look no further. In this blog post, we will reveal the top nine strategies that will put you at the forefront of this prestigious examination. So, buckle up, sharpen your pencils, and get ready to conquer the competition with our expert advice!

Get Started Early and Plan

The best way to nail the school Olympiads is to start early. An early start will enhance confidence and reduce stress prior to the exam. As part of preparation, you must know  the examination format and the syllabus. Create  a study schedule  and make sure to gather all the relevant study materials, such as textbooks, previous question papers, and reference books. You need to allot a fixed number of hours every day to study. Steer clear of procrastination, as it is one fatal activity that can lead you astray. Attending workshops or coaching classes by trained experts or referring to preparatory books is a great way to start.

Be Well Versed With the Exam Format

Formats of  different Olympiads vary. For example, some may have multiple choice questions whereas others could include written responses. Knowing how much time you will have in each section and how many points are given to each question will help you  in zeroing down  the subjects that need more focus and understand the weightage of each topic. Know if there is any negative marking scheme or else you will be filling a bucket with a hole.

Try to solve as many sample papers or participate in as many mock tests as possible to be well versed in the exam pattern and improve speed and accuracy. You can also put yourself through online test series or find a study group where you can discuss topics that you find tough with your peers.

Spend Your Time Productively : Use POMODORO

Use POMODORO technique for two reasons , first is to enhance productivity and the second is to  ensure that work becomes fun. Key is to not overstress on a single aspect of life. Maintain a balance between school work, extracurricular activities, and personal time. Diligently follow a daily time table.

POMODORO means a tomato in Italian. The technique was created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, who named it after his tomato-shaped kitchen timer. It is a time management technique in which one breaks the workday down into manageable 25-minute segments called POMODOROS.

Select a single task to focus on, set a timer for 25-30 minutes  and work continuously until the timer goes off. Then Take a  5-minute break, walk around, get a snack, relax, and get back to work. After 4 pomodoros take a longer break of 15 to 20 minutes.

Divide each task into smaller tasks over many days or weeks.  One day you will  look back  a be surprised that you accomplished a mammoth task with ease.

Deal with difficult concepts at the beginning to ensure enough time for understanding and further revision before examination.

Form SMART Goals

Go aimlessly and half-heartedly, the result will mirror your attitude. Be clear and precise in terms of what you want to achieve at the end of the Olympiad examination. Goals are ‘SMART’ when they are  Specific , Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of saying "I want to get good results in the Olympiad," set a feasible score or ranking to achieve. You know yourself better than anyone else therefore decide based on what you can do and whether you really want to do it. Never to forget setting timelines within which you have to  culminate your efforts.

Use Mind Mapping Technique

Mind maps are graphical tools for organizing information, which can be of help while trying to understand tedious subjects.

Mind map helps students save time, as it allows focus on the key issues without getting bogged down by unnecessary details. It provides a framework for organizing information, making it easier to remember and recall during an exam. Furthermore, mind maps can be used to create a study plan, which can help students to stay on track and ensure that they cover all the necessary topics before the exam.

Never Underestimate Yourself

Success depends significantly on your belief in your capabilities. Geniuses do not carry a name tag ; they all look ordinary till their name is featured in the much sought after achievers list. Change how you see yourself and then see the magic unfold.

Practice Practice & Practice

Neuroplasticity refers to the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. As you practice and repeat each movement over and over, the new neural connections( new pathways) in your brain get stronger and stronger. In a study, when a group of young adults were taught to juggle and practice for three months, a particular part of the grey matter of their brain increased in size. When they stopped juggling and were examined after another three months, that area had returned back to its original size. A subsequent study showed that connections into the brain’s grey matter changed as people learnt to juggle, suggesting that practice and use of the skill enhances brain connections. Practice is therefore the key to becoming a better version of yourself.

Say Good Bye to Rote Learning

Olympiads test a student's ability to think critically. Therefore, it is highly important to imprint this fact early on that understanding the basic concepts and not  rote learning  will lead students to think out of the box and apply their knowledge creatively and critically.

Don’t Miss Out on Fun

“All work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Last but not the least make sure you do other things too, especially sports or hobbies. An alert mind from a well-rested person will always perform better than an exhausted brain during the exams.

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