Baal Vikaas avum Shiksha Shastra Papers 1 & 2 for CTET & STETs with Previous Year Solved Questions 6th Hindi Edition | Child Development & Pedagogy
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The thoroughly Revised & Updated 6th edition of the book 'Baal Vikaas avum Shikshan Shastra for CTET & STET (Paper 1 & 2)' provides an exclusive treatment to the subject with special emphasis upon Child Development, Inclusive Education, Learning and the Pedagogical Issues.
✍ The book is updated with latest past papers of CTET & some STET papers. The book has been divided into 9 chapters.
✍ For each chapter an exhaustive theory has been provided which covers the complete syllabus as prescribed by the NEP2020/ NCF 2023.
✍ This is followed by 2 set of exercises.
✍ The exercise 1 contains a set of MCQs from the PREVIOUS YEAR Question Papers of CTET and various STET's.
✍ The exercise 2, "TEST YOURSELF" provides carefully selected MCQs for practice.
✍ The book is a must for all the candidates appearing in the Paper 1 and 2 of the CTET and all State TETs.
✍ The book is 100% useful for UPTET, HTET, MPTET, CGTET, UKTET, HPTET, BTET, PTET and other STET's.