Bhartiya Rajvyavastha Compendium with NCERT (Class 6 to 12) coverage for UPSC IAS & State PSC Samanya Adhyayan Paper 1 Prelim & Main Exams 3rd Edition | Sanvidhan avum Shashan | Civil Sewa/ Services
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The 3rd Updated edition of the book Bhartiya Rajvyavastha Compendium for IAS Prelims Samanya Adhyayan Paper 1 & State PSC Exams provides the MOST UPDATED material for the exam.
# The book has been prepared in such a manner that it covers NCERT (Old & New) study material from Class 6 to 12.
# The book is further powered with Past & Practice Questions from IAS & State PSC Prelim & Main Exams.
# Another USP of the book is that the information is captured in a concise and easy to remember methodology which further comprises of Mind Maps, Infographics, Charts, Tables and latest exam pattern MCQs.
# The emphasis of the book has been on conceptual understanding and better retention which are important from the point of view of the exam.
# The book captures most of the important questions with explanations of the past years of the IAS Prelim exam, CDS, NDA and other competitive exams distributed in the various chapters.
# The book is divided into 22 chapters. Each chapter is followed by 2 levels of exercises with 1000+ Simple MCQs & statement based MCQs.