UPSC Civil Services Topic-wise Previous Varsh Solved Papers Hindi Combo - 29 Year IAS Prelims & 11 Varsh Mains for UPSC Civil Services Samanya Adhyayan, Nibandh, Hindi & English Compulsory
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✍Book 1: The Hindi edition of 11 Topic-Wise UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains Previous Varsh Solved Papers (2023 - 2013) divided into 4 sections - Samanya Adhyayan 1 - 4, Nibandh, Hindi & Compulsory English. These sections are further divided into Topics and the past 11 year questions are classified in the respective Topics. The answers are in strict adherence to the defined Word Limits. Detailed solution to each question is provided.
✍Book 2: The Hindi Edition of Errorless 29 Previous Varsh UPSC Civil Services IAS Prelims Topic-wise Solved Papers 1 & 2 (1995 - 2023) 14th Edition covers the questions of past 29 Years of Samanya Adhyayan & Aptitude (CSAT) divided into 52 Topics. The past 29 year questions are classified in the respective Topics. Detailed solution to each question is provided