Is The Pressure Before Exams Worth Taking? How To Deal With The 4Ps Of Pressure?

Is The Pressure Before Exams Worth Taking?  How To Deal With The 4Ps Of Pressure?


Parental, Peer, Performance And Preparation Pressure- Implications are higher than you think!

 A little anxiety is natural before an entrance exam, but when it gets out of hand, it turns into a monster named pressure. Pressure comes in many forms, each with its own evils and harmful implications.

The most common forms of pressure on young aspirants are -Parental, Peer, Performance And Preparation Pressure.

Let's understand each of these and learn some ways to deal with them.

4Ps Of Pressure On Young Aspirants Minds

The 4Ps of pressure that cause a great deal of struggle for the aspirants are listed below.

Parental Pressure

There are various forms of parental pressure. When you overthink and take your parent's minor rebuke as a personal attack- you may feel pressured. Another scenario- is when your parents try to put high hopes in you and demand pre-defined and specific goals to be achieved, that is parental pressure. Also, if your parents are well accomplished in their respective fields, they set a benchmark that pressurises you to follow the steps, that's also parental pressure. All these are natural feelings but acting on them is up to you. Taking in and succumbing to parental pressure is wrong. Remember, they mean well. They are not your enemies or dictators who get the thrill of overpowering you.

Peer Pressure

Peers are your friends, fellow aspirants, and your coaching classmates. As you sail in the same boat, you may feel the pressure of outperforming them sometimes. Or when they are way ahead of you in their preparations, you may feel you are lagging. All this constitutes peer pressure. It is easy to deal with peer pressure. How? Understand they are your friends and go through the same turmoil as you. They have all the expectations to fulfil and are equally burdened like you. Replace pressure with empathy, you’ll feel peers are friends, not a competition.

Performance Pressure

Taking national-level exams is not a joke, and everyone understands that. So, burning yourself in the fire of self-doubt and anxiety is not at all necessary. You must trust that you’re doing fine and will perform your best. Also, you get terrified about the performance when you overthink the results. So, instead of worrying about the result, work on your efforts. 

You can take speed tests, mock tests and other performance-based tests to boost your confidence and remember to keep faith in yourself.

Preparation Pressure

Due to the overwhelming pile of syllabus to cover, anxiety around preparation is normal. But, normalising the pressure of preparation is detrimental to performance in the exam. Instead of feeling anxious about your preparation levels, be sure of your preparation strategy around your exams. Getting scared of the exam won't help in getting fully prepared for the same, that's why, the sense of pressure seeps in. Making a timetable helps in overcoming this challenge. Also, taking regular breaks can take your mind off the stress and start afresh with the continuing preparation strategy.

So, one can see all the pressures are interrelated as well. So working on all at the same time is highly necessary.

There are some other handful of ways to approach tackling pressure like a pro. Let us find out how.

Some Ways To Deal With Pressure Like A Pro

You can try the below-listed ways to feel less pressured and more relaxed.

  • Meditate daily or follow a routine.
  • Relax and take breaks- time your breaks of the same duration every time. This will help you keep a tab and save you from distractions.
  • Talk it out to others. Do not suffer alone. It is better to talk to your peers.
  • Face the challenge and do not escape.
  • Take counselling if your problem becomes challenging, as experts have the answers to many questions that may affect you related to your preparation levels and personal life.

Anyone who goes through anxiety and works hard, keeping only the result in mind, needs to understand that if you prepare well, then the anxiety and pressure will automatically get replaced with self-confidence and strength.

There Is No Need To Fear- Just Act Responsibly!

There is no need to get intimidated by anyone around you or even let self-doubt hamper your concentration. If you are strong, the pressure will never hover over you to force you to act like a fool. Behaving responsibly is essential to get the desired results.

Remember, prepare wholeheartedly and let your efforts work.

When you are confident, you will never feel deterred from moving towards- Sahi Disha Ki Ore.

Sahi Disha Ki Ore’! -


Read More: Retests, Exam Cancellations, Discrepancies and Irregularities in Exams - How to Deal With the Chaos?



1 thought on “Is The Pressure Before Exams Worth Taking? How To Deal With The 4Ps Of Pressure?

Anuj Kumar


August 14, 2024 at 15:02pm

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